Saturday, September 21, 2019

New Help Daily

#6 Every day - New Help

Does it seem to you that everyday new challenges mean new efforts?  Do you even know how to assimilate the efforts to accept the new challenges?  This confuses me on the daily.  When I hit the bed at night and do my thanks to my God, I am always thankful for the day.  No matter what happens.  I truly believe you are given every minute and every minute is precious.  Now how did I use them on that day?  Did I waste most of them, or did I make the most of them?  Did I help someone on their road of life?  Did I make someone’s life better or was it all about me?  I think to myself and talk to my God about these things.  Then I ask him to make sure and protect my family and friends the next day.  I need those people in my life.  I need to do everything I can to make sure they are around. 

It’s a Saturday and I have some things to do but these thoughts were on my mind.  I needed to get them out there to see what the universe thinks.  One more thing, this is not a religion blog so my God may not be yours and you may not believe in one at all, but that doesn’t mean you don’t need some help.  Remember – I got this with some help!


Friday, September 20, 2019

I Needed #1's Help

#5  Help From Family Is Good 

When my Partner (Father In Law – FIL) injured himself in LA, I told you our #1 son went to stay with him the first couple of weeks.  After those two weeks, it was my turn to go.  Never in a million years would I think I would spend the next 5 months in LA with him during rehab. 

The very first night, I got to LA I arrived at dark (cheapest flights).  Now being an adult male, I had a sense of security about me that probably my wife wouldn’t have.  I also had a sense of caution about the people.  TV doesn’t always portray LA as a friendly town.  I had to get from LAX to UCLA Medical Center.  Luckily, there were plenty of travel options for me to choose.   I remember being very hungry and the first place I came too by the hospital was an In -N- Out Burger joint.  I bet you know what I did.  I gorged myself and felt so much better.

My #1 had left me very specific instructions upon arrival at the hospital as to where my FIL was located.  It was very late, and I checked into the ICU where everyone was as sweet and nice as I was told by my #1.  They had a chair in my FIL room where I could stretch out and sleep.  I took advantage of that immediately as I was beat.  Early morning brought rounds for the doctors, who #1 had told me about them.  The doctors proceeded to explain to me and my FIL’s condition.  It was heartbreaking as I knew then, a long road awaited. 

Mantra was needed immediately – “I got this with some help”


Thursday, September 19, 2019

Ask For Help

#4 Help is working.  It does pay to ask.

Yesterday I was wondering if things were ever going to change.  If I had stuffed my pipeline full.  Yesterday a friend (someone who I asked for help awhile back) came through with suggestion.  A job I had responded too came through this morning (when I sent a follow-up email to the recruiter yesterday) to schedule a phone interview.  So, these two things will not necessarily come to any fruition of work; but it does tell me my pipeline stuffing is producing some results. 

Let me clarify the phrase I keep using as “pipeline stuffing.”  In a past career, I was involved in an MLM and they were always suggesting to keep putting recruits (people) into your business pipeline.  The more you got involved the faster you could grow your business with people accepting the challenge.  In MLM it is all about the downlines.   A product was away of having an item to market but distribution was the name of the game.  I wasn’t very good in this area as it was hard to sale the opportunity to people who weren’t really open to making cold calls and hearing rejection over and over.  It’s a tough business for sure.

Help can come in all shapes, forms, and electronic means.  I just hope that I can recognize it when it arrives.  But to recognize I must be open to receiving it.  (That kind of sounds like a preacher from the pulpit – trust me I am not that.)  Yet I don’t think I am always open to it.  In fact, I mostly hate asking for it because I don’t want to be a bother.  I don’t want people to think “less” of me.  I don’t want to appear to be weak.  Have you ever felt like this?

I got this with some help is my new mantra because I felt like the above all the time.  The older I become, the more I recognize I must ask.  I can’t lift the way I use too.  I can’t make money like I use too.  I can’t don a lot I use to do.  But I got this with some help. 


Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Help and Luck, Good and Bad

#3 Star Date 918.19 (Can you tell I just watch a Star Trek Show?)

I am going to switch thought process today from me to you. 

I was thinking about help?  What is it exactly?  Is it someone assisting me in jump-starting my car?  Then they proceed to make matters worse by not asking how to do it properly and hook cables up incorrectly?  Is it when someone helps send my resume to the appropriate people for a job interview and you wait to see if anything comes from it.  I believe they both set examples of helping.  I don’t think the outcome determines if help was there.  Sometimes I think help is like luck.  It's either good or bad.  Both seem to work that way. 

Why do some people need help with everything they do and some never ask for help?  What is ingrained in minds that feel like that can't do anything correctly and some feel like everything they do is correct?  Are these just the two ends of the spectrum of help? 

Today my thoughts have run this way as to my current situation.  I don’t know if I need to ask for more help from people or should I just try and do more?  I feel like I am stuffing my pipeline of possible outcomes full but there is not much coming out on the other end.  So, does this mean I need to seek more help? 

I got this with some help, I think.


Tuesday, September 17, 2019

The 'Duty" Blog - Ok I know its corny and maybe not funny to you but I chuckled at myself.

#2 blog – I guess this is the Duty blog – I said I was an old man, so you get old man jokes, sometimes.

When my partner fell in LA and it was clear he was in bad shape, it blew us away-mentally and physically. 

As I mentioned in blog #1, my family is a little weird, unique, maybe unusual.  What I mean by this is we do things differently.  For 36.5 years (because I lived away for 1.5 years after graduation), my wife and then our kids have shared a house with her parents.  Yes, I lived with my in-laws, and for the most part, it has worked well for us.  The good – my kids grew up with their grandparents as part of their immediate family.  The bad – I can’t walk around in my underwear without my mother in law seeing it.

However, that is another blog for another time.  So back to the fall and what happened next.
We received the call one week before Thanksgiving regarding the fall.  It seemed my FIL was returning his rent a car and tripped on the spikes of the exit.  It says not to exit there, but he recalls seeing people go that way and then actually being told to exit there.  Not sure exactly what happened next because there was no video.  The cameras were not working or something like that.  A decision had to be made and it was.  #1 Son was to go to LA and be with his papaw until other arrangements could be made because there was no way to comprehend what was to be next. 

Thanksgiving is one of our home’s favorite holidays.  We have friends, family, and neighbors over to celebrate.  Fried turkey, oven turkey, ham, fixings, and Tequila are on the menu.  At night we play games like charades, family feud, and other games where drunk people can laugh and be loud.  However, the 2013 Turkey day was going to be a little different than normal.  Since our #1 son was selected to go to LA to be with his grandfather, it was going to be a solemn Turkey day for us.  However, our friends weren’t going to let this happen.  They all came over that night and proceeded to spread joy, laughter, some tears to help us forget our immediate concerns, if it was just for one night.  I got this with some help truly resonated with all that night.


Monday, September 16, 2019

It really does take help

1st Blog - 58 No job, basically no $ in the bank, and I feel slightly overwhelmed.  But I got this, with some help.

Let us start from the beginning or at least the beginning of why I am writing – or I guess its officially blogging. 

About two months ago, I decided I needed to find a real job.  Real meaning one that I would receive a paycheck from someone other than /myself.  You see I was what is referred to as self-employed for the last 20 years or so and was not able to save a dime.  I always had the thought in the back of my head – I got this.  And for 20 years or so I had it.  I mean we had a roof over our heads, in debt of course but bills were being paid.  One year we made over $200,000.00.  I thought we had turned the corner, but someone added another corner, so I was in a box.  My partner in business became sick with colon cancer, that slowed our momentum down, but he recovered.  We added some more clients and was developing more clients.  This went on for a couple of years and then my partner had an accident - very bad.  One that left him in the hospital for 5 months in Los Angeles – our house/office was in KY.   He was on Medicare with Supplement which was good in fact they covered his millions in hospital bills, but it wouldn’t help us get home to rehab.  I was able to keep our clients happy and provide them with the work they were accustomed too before he broke his neck and was paralyzed.  Continuing with our current clients, while managing to stay afloat as more debt was incurred since I had to basically move to California for 5 months living out of hotels on hotel points and eventually cash.  Fortunately, we had some good luck. First, a group of special people gave $5000.00 for our financial relief.  This helped tremendously.  Then we discovered some long-lost assets of the family.  Once again this saved us.   But eventually everything runs out when you have sustainable income is nearing completion and we are basically supporting two households on one income.  Finally, in 2018 my partner died.  It wasn’t unexpected but it was still tuff.  You see my partner was also my Father In Law.  And my family and in-laws shared the same house and have for 37 years (This is another story). 

What I have learned is that people are basically kind.  People will help if asked.  People are people all over the country.  I got this, with some help is a blog about my world as related to you.  Read and comment and let me know what you got with some help. 
