Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Help and Luck, Good and Bad

#3 Star Date 918.19 (Can you tell I just watch a Star Trek Show?)

I am going to switch thought process today from me to you. 

I was thinking about help?  What is it exactly?  Is it someone assisting me in jump-starting my car?  Then they proceed to make matters worse by not asking how to do it properly and hook cables up incorrectly?  Is it when someone helps send my resume to the appropriate people for a job interview and you wait to see if anything comes from it.  I believe they both set examples of helping.  I don’t think the outcome determines if help was there.  Sometimes I think help is like luck.  It's either good or bad.  Both seem to work that way. 

Why do some people need help with everything they do and some never ask for help?  What is ingrained in minds that feel like that can't do anything correctly and some feel like everything they do is correct?  Are these just the two ends of the spectrum of help? 

Today my thoughts have run this way as to my current situation.  I don’t know if I need to ask for more help from people or should I just try and do more?  I feel like I am stuffing my pipeline of possible outcomes full but there is not much coming out on the other end.  So, does this mean I need to seek more help? 

I got this with some help, I think.


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